How to be Productive (A Spiritual Perspective)

Dealing with Modernity and Challenges

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Modern-day life leaves us stressed and spiritually impoverished. I am sharing the strategies, which I have developed working with clients 1:1 over the years. I have helped students in the past to create a personalized plan to overcome procrastination and be productive. In this course, you will learn the following concepts along with reflective exercises to make a positive change in your life. This course is a 9 -10 week journey in which you will learn how to be productive, prioritize your life, avoid burning out, and organize your days with confidence to achieve the most.

What will you learn in this course?

  • What it means to be productive.
  • Analyzing productivity through Islamic and Spiritual perspective.
  • Difference between productivity and purposeful living.
  • The challenges associated with modernity.
  • Misconceptions regarding productivity.
  • Limiting beliefs that are developed over time.
  • Exercises and discussions for personal reflection.
  • Students will learn about stress reduction techniques.
  • Strategies to organize days and be more productive.
  • Create a Personal Productivity Plan (PPP)

Who is it for?

  • Students struggling to manage time.
  • Working Moms overwhelmed with life.
  • Teachers or professionals who desire to be effective.
  • Anyone who wishes to transform their life with soulful productivity.
  • Anyone who wish to be a best version of self by reducing stress and distractions.

Your Instructor

Uzma Sharaf
Uzma Sharaf

Global Instructor, Author, and Founder of the Adult Spiritual Education Program (ASEP)

Uzma is a bilingual Instructor assisting students in their personal, professional, and spiritual development. In her early education career, while working with students of different age groups in secular school settings as well as faith-based schools, she realized that she loved working with adult students from all walks of life and professions. Therefore, she launched an online learning platform based on a psychospiritual model of learning the Adult Spiritual Educational Program (ASEP) that enhances psychological and spiritual well-being.

The Adult Spiritual Education Program (ASEP) Is an Islamic education program based on the psychospiritual learning model. It was created after 23 + years of community service to nurture your heart, mind, and soul. ASEP has a presence globally. It is based on more than 18 years of teaching experience, guiding, and mentoring students of various professional backgrounds. And 13 years of helping clients identify limiting beliefs and eliminating negative thinking patterns that hinder spiritual development.

Dedicated to community service, interfaith work, and civic engagement since 2000. She believes in empowering others through education. She has served as an Education Coordinator and worked at various Non-profit organizations to promote peace, tolerance, and religious diversity. As an activist she has dedicated over 18 years to teaching, leading, counseling, mentoring, and guiding students from various ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds. She has worked with students of various professional backgrounds such as Psychologists, social workers, educators, medical professionals, counselors, and teachers to empower and guide them toward a path of self-development and transformation.

She has Specialized in Positive Psychology and Spiritual well-being. She has integrated Spiritual psychology and Applied Positive psychology into the Islamic studies program helping clients to deliver transformational change.

She is instrumental in community-building initiatives and passionate about establishing a collaborative relationship with community leaders and organizations by providing social, and emotional support, and mental health resources to the marginalized Muslim communities. She also provides one-on-one coaching and counseling services to individuals who are seeking psycho-spiritual well-being.

Her experience in philanthropic activities involves; empowering women through education and leading interfaith dialogues, where men and women of various faith traditions come together to analyze their preconceived ideas, prejudice, and negative assumptions and engage in meaningful discussion. This process leads to self-reflection and spiritual development.

She received a community service award in 2015 and received recognition for her interfaith work by the Interfaith Leadership Council in 2016.

She believes we cannot be stagnant but instead, be proactive and strive together for positive changes in a society that leads toward progress.

Course Curriculum

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Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! We are sure you will love it. There is no refund for this course.

Congratulation! that you have enrolled in the course.

I encouraged you to further explore and research the topics of your interest. One of the major advantage of self-learning is to engage in personal research and exploration in which students are in control of their learning process. And if you need my assistance or clarification send me a message :)

I hope to see you in the other courses I offer at teachable!

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